The Dynmap is a useful tool to learn about lands. Lands are represented by colored, connected chunks, and clicking on these chunks gives you info about the land they represent, such as its owner (often a head of state or governor), its size in chunks, and the amount of members, or trusted players.
Cities on the Dynmap are represented by yellow pins, with the corresponding city's name to the right of its pin. Don't confuse them with other markers, such as rivers, which are represented by yellow stars.
To manage a land, left click it in the Lands menu, accessible through /lands.
To change your land's name or description, click the Cosmetics icon. Make sure that the name adheres by regulations and that the description is short.
If you're a nation leader, you'll use subdivisions a lot. Subdivisions function as smaller divisions of your land, and they can be assigned by selecting a piece of land with a gold shovel and typing /lands assign [subdivision name].
Once your subdivisions are set up, you can use the /trust and /untrust commands to manage basic permissions. However, sometimes, you might need to go further in-depth. This can be done through roles. The /trust command gives people the Member role, but, by default, there are also the Admin and Owner roles. Custom can also be created and deleted, and their permissions can be individually changed for every subdivision. This often gets confusing, and if it does, the /lands view command can help. It shows the subdivisions around you and the trusted players of the subdivision you're standing in.
When you enter the Lands Menu, you're presented by the lands you're a member of. Right-clicking the land's icon shows you information about the land. /lands top shows you a list of lands sorted by area or population.
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